Thursday, 20 September 2012

Dealing with financially unsustainable providers

"This paper explains why a failure regime is required in the NHS, outlines how the failure regime for NHS trusts (currently being applied in South London) works and how the failure regime for foundation trusts introduced by the Health and Social Care Act 2012 will work in future."

Dealing with financially unsustainable providers: how will the failure regime work?
T Harrison, A Dixon
The King's Fund
September 2012

Read more here.

The health and care system from April 2013

The Department of Health has created a diagram which shows all the organisations that will deliver health and social care in England from April 2013. View the diagram here.

"If we build it, will it stay?" A case study of the sustainability of whole-system change in London

"This article describes a transferable methodology that was developed to guide the evaluation of a three-year follow-up of a large health care change program in London, which took place during a period of economic turbulence and rapid policy change."

"If we build it, will it stay?" A case study of the sustainability of whole-system change in London
T Greenhalgh, F Macfarlane, C Barton-Sweeney, F Woodard
The Milbank Quarterly, 2012, 90(3): 516-547

Read more here.

Procurement of healthcare (clinical) services: briefings for CCGs

The NHS Commissioning Board Authority has developed a series of procurement briefings for CCGs that summarise the key elements of legislation and guidance currently governing NHS procurement of healthcare services. Click here to access the briefing papers.

Large-system transformation in health care: a realist review

"The aims of the review were to analyze examples of successful and less successful transformation initiatives, to synthesize knowledge of the underlying mechanisms, to clarify the role of government, and to outline options for evaluation."

Large-system transformation in health care: a realist review
A Best, T Greenhalgh, S Lewis, JE Saul, S Carroll, J Bitz
The Milbank Quarterly, 2012, 90(3): 421-456

Read more here.

Evaluating the role and perceived impact of the Regional Paediatric Diabetes Network Coordinator in Yorkshire and the Humber

"The report describes how the network coordinator post has helped the Yorkshire and the Humber Paediatric Diabetes Network deliver its objectives by providing effective and efficient administrative and communication support, and by facilitating discussions between the network and key internal and external stakeholders."

Evaluating the role and perceived impact of the Regional Paediatric Diabetes Network Coordinator in Yorkshire and the Humber
L Richards
NHS Diabetes
August 2012

Read more here.

Patient-level costing: can it yield efficiency savings?

"Specifically, the study examines how trusts are using and planning to use patient-level costing systems, drawing on the experiences of several early adopters."

Patient-level costing: can it yield efficiency savings?
I Blunt, M Bardsley
Nuffield Trust
September 2012

Read more here.

The accountable lead provider

"The Accountable Lead Provider is not a commissioner, it is a provider, an integrator and programme manager, a provider that both provides and subcontracts healthcare."

The accountable lead provider
P Corrigan, S Laitner
NHS Right Care
July 2012

Read more here.

Monday, 17 September 2012

Barriers to the uptake of evidence from systematic reviews and meta-analyses

"This study can inform future approaches to enhancing systematic review uptake and also suggests potential avenues for future investigation."

Barriers to the uptake of evidence from systematic reviews and meta-analyses: a systematic review of decision makers' perceptions
J Wallace, B Nwosu, M Clarke
BMJ Open 2012, 2:e001220

Read more here.

Advanced clinical decision support using lessons from outside of healthcare

"Greater use of computerized decision support (DS) systems could address continuing safety and quality problems in healthcare, but the healthcare field has struggled to implement DS technology."

Advanced clinical decision support using lessons from outside of healthcare: an interdisciplinary systematic review
HW Wu, PK Davis, DS Bell
BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, 2012, 12:90

Read more here.

Factors influencing the implementation of fall prevention programmes

"The issues identified through this synthesis need to be fully considered and addressed if fall-prevention programmes are to be successfully implemented into clinical practice."

Factors influencing the implementation of fall prevention programmes: a systematic review and synthesis of qualitative studies
S Child, V Goodwin, R Garside, T Jones-Hughes, K Boddy, K Stein
Implementation Science, 2012, 7:91

Read more here.

A systematic review of hand hygiene improvement strategies

"Addressing only determinants such as knowledge, awareness, action control, and facilitation is not enough to change hand hygiene behaviour."

A systematic review of hand hygiene improvement strategies: a behavioural approach
A Huis, T van Achterberg, M de Bruin, R Grol, L Schoonhoven, M Hulscher
Implementation Science, 2012, 7:92

Read more here.

Thursday, 13 September 2012

Designing and commissioning services for adults with asthma

"This good practice guide outlines the case for improving outcomes for people with asthma and what the elements of a good service look like."

Designing and commissioning services for adults with asthma: a good practice guide
Primary Care Commissioning
September 2012

Read more here.

Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Improving the quality of orthopaedic care with the National Health Service

"By appropriate referral, getting it right first time, using evidence based treatments, gold standard prostheses, reducing complications, and different modes of working, quality of care for patients can be significantly improved, leading to greater patient satisfaction and outcomes."

Getting it right first time: improving the quality of orthopaedic care with the NHS
TWR Briggs
Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital
August 2012

Read more here.

Tuesday, 11 September 2012

The Engagement Cycle

This resource is for commissioners of health services, it sets out what is required when engaging patients, carers and the public in the decisions made about health service provision. It provides practical advice, case-study examples and links to other vital information.

Access The Engagement Cycle here.

RCN fact sheets

The Royal College of Nursing has produced two fact sheets help people understand the architecture of the new NHS commissioning system:
  1. Clinical senates and strategic clinical networks
  2. Health and wellbeing boards

Friday, 7 September 2012

Patients first: improving access to GP practices

"The purpose of this report is to expand on a previous report, Patient Power, using research from GP practices in urban and rural settings in Scotland to illustrate that the way GP practices operate can vary considerably from whether they operate open surgeries to extended hours, have the ability to process repeat prescriptions online to whether they even have a website."

Patients first: improving access to GP practices
B Thomson, G Mawdsley, A Payne
Reform Scotland
August 2012

Read more here.

Specialist Services: A Guide for Commissioners

"Voice4ChangeEngland with NAVCA (National Association for Voluntary and Community Action) have come together to provide the following information in order to show that specialist provision is an essential means of delivering both more equitable and more efficient public services."

Specialist Services: A Guide for CommissionersVoice4ChangeEngland and NAVCA
August 2012

Read more here.

Decision aids helped to lower hip and knee surgery rates and costs

"In a large observational study, patients who received balanced information on the risks
and benefits of orthopedic procedures had 26 percent fewer hip replacement surgeries, 38 percent fewer knee replacement surgeries, and 12 percent to 21 percent lower costs over a six-month period

Introducing decision aids at Group Health was linked to sharply lower hip and knee surgery rates and costsThe Commonwealth Fund
September 2012

Read more here.

Design and application of shared savings programs

"Enabling health care providers to share in the savings they generate from the delivery of more efficient, higher-quality care is a promising way to achieve the goals of health reform."

The design and application of shared savings programs: lessons from early adoptersThe Commonwealth Fund
September 2012

Read more here.

Choice and competition in public services: learning from history

"This report identifies 11 general rules that current reformers should be aware of when introducing market mechanisms."

Choice and competition in public services: learning from historyT Gash, T Roos
Institute for Government
August 2012

Read more here.

Transforming the delivery of health and social care

"This paper (the first in a series on the future of health and social care in England) explores how the current health and social care delivery system has failed to keep pace with the population's needs and expectations."

Transforming the delivery of health and social care: the case for fundamental change
C Ham, A Dixon, B Brooke
The King's Fund
September 2012

Read more here.

Sunday, 2 September 2012

Improving data use in decision making

"The overall aim of the paper is to articulate specific interventions that can improve the demand for and use of data in decision making so that improvements in the other health building blocks can be realized."

Improving data use in decision making: an intervention to strengthen health systems
T Nutley
August 2012

Read more here.

Interim measures for patient experience at the interfaces between NHS services

"The NHS Future Forum report on Integration1 recommended that new patient experience measures should be developed to evaluate patients’ experiences across whole journeys of care."

Interim measures for patient experience at the interfaces between NHS services
Department of Health
August 2012

Read more here.

Systematic review of knowledge translation strategies in the allied health professions

"The present study is the first systematic review of the effectiveness of a variety of knowledge translation interventions in five allied health disciplines: dietetics, occupational therapy, pharmacy, physiotherapy, and speech-language pathology."

Systematic review of knowledge translation strategies in the allied health professions
SD Scott, et al.
Implementation Science, 2012, 7:70

Read more here.