Monday, 31 October 2011

Facilitating the use of research evidence

"Facilitating the use of research is the topic of a newly published virtual issue of The Milbank Quarterly. The issue includes, in chronological order, twenty-two articles and two commentaries that were published in the Quarterly between 2001 and 2011."

Facilitating the use of research evidence
Milbank Quarterly - 2011 Milbank Memorial Fund
Edited by Bradford H. Gray

Read the whole issue here.

The Network - connect people, share knowledge, improve care

The Network is an online community and network for medical students, junior doctors and newly qualified consultants and GPs with an interest in clinical leadership and medical management.

Read more here or go straight to The Network.

Quality and safety in European hospitals

"The 'Quality and Safety in Europe by Research' (QUASER) study will investigate how hospitals implement, spread and sustain quality improvement, including the difficulties they face and how they overcome them."

A longitudinal, multi-level comparative study of quality and safety in European hospitals: the QUASER study protocol
GB Robert, JE Anderson, SJ Burnett, K Aase, B Andersson-Gare, R Bal, J Calltorp, F Nunes, AM
Weggelaar, CA Vincent, NJ Fulop
BMC Health Services Research, 2011, 11:285

Read more here.

Increasing reporting rates and reducing harm

"Actively developing a transparent and positive safety culture at the unit level can improve medication safety."

Increasing medication error reporting rates while reducing harm through simultaneous cultural and system-level interventions in an intensive care unit
KM Abstoss, BE Shaw, TA Owens, JL Juno, EL Commiskey, MF Niedner
BMJ Quality and Safety, 2011, 20(11):914-922

Read more here.

Patient safety competency assessment

"This review aims to identify the available assessment tools for different patient safety domains and evaluate them according to Miller’s four competency levels."

Assessing the patient safety competencies of healthcare professionals: a systematic review
A Okuyama, K Martowirono, B Bijnen
BMJ Quality and Safety, 2011, 20(11):991-1000

Read more here.

Collaborative care for depression treatment in primary care

"Depression collaborative care models designed and implemented by primary care practices using evidence based quality improvement improved antidepressant initiation."

Implementing collaborative care for depression treatment in primary care: a cluster randomized evaluation of a quality improvement practice redesign
EF Chaney, LV Rubenstein, CF Liu, EM Yano, C Bolkan, M Lee, B Simon, A Lanto, B Felker, J Uman
Implementation Science, 2011, 6:121

Read more here.

Guiding patients through complexity: modern medical generalism

"This Commission believes that medical generalism has a strong and growing part to play in the way that health care must change, radically, to respond both to the needs of an ageing population living with widespread, often multiple, chronic conditions and to the growing imperative for patients to be in partnership with their doctors and to be able jointly to plan their care."

Guiding patients through complexity: modern medical generalism: Report of an independent commission for the Royal College of General Practitioners and the Health Foundation
The Health Foundation
October 2011

Read more here.

Experience-based co-design

"This toolkit outlines a powerful and effective way of improving patients' experiences of services."

Experience-based co-design: working with patients to improve health care
The King's Fund

Read more here.

CHSRF on Call - free webinars on health service transformation

"CHSRF on Call is a series of free webinars, in English and French, featuring policy- and decision- makers as they explore existing evidence on key topics to see how it can improve the delivery of health services and the health of Canadians."

The service is provided by the Canadian Health Services Research Foundation and you can read more here.

Uncertainty, evidence and irrecoverable costs

"This research was commissioned to inform when NICE should approve health technologies only in research (OIR) or with research (AWR)."

Uncertainty, evidence and irrecoverable costs: Informing approval, pricing and research decisions for health technologies
K Claxton, S Palmer, L Longworth, L Bojke, S Griffin, C McKenna, M Soares, E Spackman, J Youn
Centre for Health Economics
October 2011

Read more here.

Hospitals and care systems of the future

"This report will mobilize hospital senior leadership teams to consider the strategies they must deploy throughout their individual organizations to adapt and succeed in the future."

Hospitals and care systems of the future
American Hospital Association
September 2011

Read more here.

Health datasets for economists

"This Compendium of Health Datasets for Economists (ICoHDE) provides the largest collection of English specific datasets available for researchers interested in the field of economics of health and health care."

The interactive compendium of health datasets for economists
University of Oxford

Access the resource here.