Thursday, 3 March 2011

NHS Evidence QIPP Collection

The NHS Evidence QIPP Collection is a collection of examples of best practice, submitted by NHS Trusts and accredited by NICE before being published on the website. They are backed up by a number of ‘Cochrane Quality and Productivity (QP) topics’ , produced by NICE and derived from Cochrane systematic reviews that conclude that the evidence shows that a practice is harmful or ineffective and should not be used, or that there is insufficient evidence to support widespread use of a practice. NICE staff assess Cochrane QP topics against the QIPP criteria and summarise the topic, supporting evidence, likely ease of implementation, impact on productivity savings (cash and resources) and on the quality of NHS care. Trusts implementing ideas which have produced efficiencies and/or improvements in patient care are encouraged to submit details to the website using a downloadable template.

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