Monday, 11 July 2011

Getting out of hospital? The evidence for shifting acute inpatient and day case services from hospitals into the community

This report examines and updates the review of evidence of underpinning the policy drive to transfer acute inpatient and day-case services from hospitals into the community and the effectiveness of this to improve quality of care and save money.

Getting out of hospital?
The Health Foundation
June 2011

Download the full text here (PDF).

Do clinical guidelines reduce clinician dependent costs?

Freely available journal article reviewing and summarising recent evidence, relevant to both developed and developing countries on whether evidence based clinical guidelines can change hospitals variable costs which are clinician dependent, and the degree of financial savings achieved at hospital level.

Do clinical guidelines reduce clinician dependent costs?
George Kosimbei , Kara Hanson  and Mike English
Health Research Policy and Systems 2011, 9:24doi:10.1186/1478-4505-9-24

Download the full article here.