Friday 6 February 2015

Case Finding & Risk Stratification Handbook

"This handbook describes current thinking and provides practitioner insights into case finding and risk stratification to support personalised care and support planning – both of which are key elements of the vision and outcomes in the NHS Five Year Forward View"

Case Finding & Risk Stratification Handbook
NHS England
January 2015

Access the handbook here.
Access the additional resources here.

Multi-disciplinary Team Handbook

"This handbook brings together information about multi-disciplinary / integrated teams from a wide range of sources including publications, studies and operational examples for the purpose of providing a stimulus to the system to examine the type or types of teams that need to be in place to deliver integrated healthcare."

MDT Development: Working toward an effective multidisciplinary/multiagency team
NHS England
January 2015

Read more here.

Personalised Care & Support Planning Handbook

"The handbook is aimed at commissioners and care practitioners (i.e. not just health and care professionals, but also other non-clinical and volunteer roles), and is intended to set out what personalised care and support planning is, and how to deliver it. It will show how personalised care and support planning fits within the wider context of person-centred care and can be used as a system enabler to help provide more proactive and coordinated care for people with long-term conditions and better support for self-management."

NHS England: Personalised Care & Support Planning Handbook
Coalition for Collaborative Care, NHS England
January 2015

Read more here.

Commissioning Support Lead Provider Framework

"NHS England has developed a new framework agreement for commissioning support services – the Lead Provider Framework (LPF). It enables Clinical Commissioning Groups(CCGs), NHS England and other customers to source some or all of their commissioning support needs"

Commissioning Support Lead Provider Framework
NHS England

Find out more and access the framework here.

The NHS under the coalition government - NHS reform

"This paper explores the coalition government’s record on NHS reform by describing the situation it inherited when it came to power in 2010, the policies it has pursued, and (where available) evidence of their impact."

The NHS under the coalition government - Part one: NHS reform
C Ham, B Baird, S Gregory, J Jabbal, H Alderwick
The King's Fund
February 2015

Read more here.

Three tests for a credible health policy

To understand whether the policies of 
the different parties will maintain and 
improve the quality of care, both now 
and in the future, it is essential for 
politicians to demonstrate how their 
proposals address the three tests for 
a credible health policy. Failing to 
meet any one of these tests would 
have serious consequences for the 
NHS and the care patients receive.

Three tests for a credible health policy: The Health Foundation's policy recommendations in the run up to the 2015 general election
The Health Foundation
February 2015

Read more here

Monday 2 February 2015

Community Pharmacy - Helping provide better quality and resilient urgent care

"This document takes examples of innovative practice from around the country and makes the tools available to help others to adopt these services to meet local need or help to manage demand. We encourage Service Resilience Groups and local commissioners to work together to make best use of community pharmacy locally."

Community Pharmacy - Helping provide better quality and resilient urgent care 
NHS England
November 2014

Read more here. Access the tool kit here.

Improving experiences of care

"If we are to make sure experience is thought of in the same way as other aspects of high-quality care and that people’s experiences continually improve, there will need to be a fundamental shift in how people’s experiences are viewed and valued. "

Improving experiences of care: Our shared understanding and ambition
National Quality Board
January 2015

Read more here.

Public satisfaction with the NHS in 2014

"One interpretation of the increase in overall satisfaction for the NHS is that it is likely to reflect a vote of support for the NHS as an institution in difficult times."

Public satisfaction with the NHS in 2014 (British Social Attitudes 2014)
J Appleby, R Robertson
The King's Fund
January 2015

Read more here.

Risk or reward?: The changing role of CCGs in general practice

"In our case study sites we found that the sustainability of clinical involvement in commissioning was at risk due to waning levels of GP leader engagement in CCGs, potential problems in the recruitment and retention of leaders, and significant pressures on GPs’ time and capacity."

Risk or reward?: The changing role of CCGs in general practice
R Robertson, S Ross, L Bennett, H Holder, J Gosling, N Curry
The King's Fund
January 2015

Read more here.