Monday, 16 May 2016

Development of a Safe Staffing App

"An ‘App’ was developed which is a simple, easy to use tool which allows managers and staff to see an accurate, live staffing position from ward to board.  The app is pre-programmed with agreed planned staffing for each shift for every ward. At handover the nurse in charge inputs actual staffing numbers and relevant information into the ward mobile device."

Development of a Safe Staffing App
Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust
NICE Shared learning example
April 2016

Read more here.

Implementing MDI with carbohydrate counting for children at diagnosis of type 1 diabetes

"It was agreed within the team to improve glycaemic control in this first week of diagnosis we needed to start using carbohydrate counting and insulin correction doses at diagnosis. Therefore, in January 2015, in all newly-diagnosed children and teenagers, we started MDI with carbohydrate counting education, and insulin correction doses from the first time insulin is given."

Implementing multiple daily injection insulin regimens (MDI) with carbohydrate counting for children and young people at diagnosis of type 1 diabetes: education provided by the Children’s Diabetes Service for patients, families and staff
Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust
NICE Shared learning example
April 2016

Read more here.

Abdominal drainage versus no drainage post-gastrectomy for gastric cancer

"This Cochrane review concludes that there is no convincing evidence to support the routine use of abdominal drains in patients under-going gastrectomy for gastric cancer"

Abdominal drainage versus no drainage post-gastrectomy for gastric cancer
The UK Cochrane Centre and NICE
Quality and Productivity case study
April 2016

Read more here